Happiness Record

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

3 Good Things

Although the past week had been horrible, I still manage to remember some good things that happened. My physics test grade was not as bad as I expected. I finished all seven of my physics write-ups a week before they are due, while some people just started, and there was no homework for English class for 2 classes in a row.
Physics had always been a nightmare for me, but I still manage to stick with it. I'm quite happy with the test grade because there are many people who got lower scores. In my physics class, the lab reports are probably the easiest type of grades to earn A's and B's, and so I'm quite proud that they are finally done after tremendous hard work every night for the whole week. For English, I really can't find anything else to say, although having no homework in English is always nice (overloaded with other subjects' work).

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Our Experiment

Our psychology class now moves on to something fun. We evaluate the good things that are happening in our everyday life for about two months. There are may ways to do this: before bedtim, make a list of three good tihngs that had happened that day; do random act of kindess; do some online survey to point out psychological strengths in each of us.
We will keep doing this for about 2 months. Before the experiment we did the online survey, and we will redo the same test after 2 months to see how much we've changed. I think it's really interesting and entertaining.

Reactions to My 5 Strengths

The top 5 strengths in me are:
1. caution, prudence, discretion
2. modesty, humilidity
3. capacity to love and be loved
4. honesty, genuineness
5. kindness, generousity

The results are as I expected. I always try to be realistic, maybe too much that I often overlook the bright side of life. In class, i'm not known for my verbal activeness, but rather for the works handed in (not that they are always top scores, but they are definitely higher than oral presentations). I don't feel that I'm a special person, but my friend often compliment me for my modesty. I enjoy spending times and hanging out with my friends, and we seem to get along quite well. I value my honesty and genuineness. Most of the time I do favors for my friends, and I always feel good in doing so. I have friends who come to talk to me about their lives (ranging from Math investigation to secret crushes). None of the 5 strengths result surprise me at all.
